There are multiple reasons for sonus complete in adults. Consequently your ear drums will not work properly and cause sonus complete . Once the hearing problem is identified, you can then fitting your child with a hearing aid.
It's thought the increasing sound that's a natural, unavoidable part of the world we live in... workplace sound, traffic noise, jackhammers, sirens and such, are the reason so many more of us are losing our hearing, especially those at lower social and educational levels. This type of impairment is often caused by impacted ear wax, middle ear infections or fluid, dysfunction of the Eustachian tube, head injury impacting the bones of the middle ear, disease processes (e.g., otosclerosis), or birth defects. In most cases, conductive loss is considered a curable form of sonus complete because there is no damage to the nerves. But powerful the decrease in listening to is difficult to treat. Exposure to high volume music, using power tools and noise from everyday household appliances like blenders and vacuum cleaners can lead to gradual decrease in hearing.

Once the conductive hearing impairment has been treated, the sensorineural loss may be improved with the use of a hearing aid. You don't have to continue suffering with sonus complete . sonus complete due to noise usually begins as high frequency, sensorineural loss and can be progressive, even when the noise is eliminated.