Keeping this in mind and helping users understand how to order a Cash App card, we have prepared this guide. You can order a Cash App card with a few simple, and the great thing is that it is free to order this card as there are no charges for it. If you still not have got your Cash App card following are the steps that you need to take for this:
Step 1: Open the Cash App and click on the cart icon
Step 2: Click on the “Order” shown in green color.
Step 3: After this, select your cash card color. As of now, you can pick either black or white.
Step 4: The next page lets you choose if you want your $cashtag on your card or not. Here you can also select any drawing of your choice or your signature to appear on your card.
Step 5: Here, you need to enter your address where you want your Cash Card to be delivered.
Step 6: The next page will ask you to fill up your details like Name, D.O.B and last four digits of your social security number. A person needs to be 18 years or above to request a Cash Card.
Step 7: After filling up all the details, the next page will show you a confirmation message. Now click on “Continue.” You would receive your cash card at the registered address within 5-6 days.
Tags: - how do I order a Cash App card | apply for a Cash App card